  • Support

    We work with you to make your business better. Be it developing new innovation practices, engaging more meaningfully with your customers, or supporting established companies build a presence in Ireland, we are here to support you.

  • Public Policy

    We provide policy study services to which we apply our specific knowledge in technology, innovation and research assesments. We support project proposal development and project monitoring and appraisal.

  • Technology

    Our technology services include IT strategy and planning, data policy definition and advice on infrastructure and network planning.

  • Strategy

    We support our clients through the strategy process, including strategic planning, strategy implementation, organisational development and transformational change.

About Steelesrock


  • Steelesrock Strategy Consulting are a team dedicated to assisting organisations with high level decisions in order to achieve superior performance. While the goal of our work is always on those strategy decisions that will carry you and your organisation forward, we understand that this process often requires a deep understanding of the environment in which our clients are operating. We focus on three areas where we can bring these insights, and where we are already equipped to get get into the detail of our clients' businesses.
  • We take our name from a landmark in the town of Ennis in the west of Ireland, made famous by Tom Steele. Steele was an an engineer of some note in the 1800's who designed an efficient diving bell and conceived a number of schemes for the navigation of rivers. He is best known however as "Honest Tom Steele", a key supporter and strategist of Daniel O'Connell who was the leader of the Emancipation movement in Ireland.

Our Values

  • Partnership. Strategic decision making is, by its nature, a process that takes a long term view. We work with our clients for what is best for their organisation, and this involves our building lasting relationship based on the organisations strengths and addressing its challenges.
  • Honesty. Partnership requires open communication, and we will always be honest in our communications with our clients, and we hope for the same in return.
  • Always Learning. No customer is the same, and we are always seeking new ways that we can help our clients to achieve their goals.
  • The right people, doing the right things, doing things right. This is our promise, and it brings together our views on partnership, honesty and always learning. If we are the right people for any given task we will do it and do it well. If its something you have to do for yourself, we will tell you. And if you need help, but we're not right for the job, we will say so and set about finding those that are.

Our three focus areas

  • Strategy. You know your business. Our role is to help you understand the forces acting on its operation both internal and external so that you can navigate to the future.We work with our clients on strategy planning, implementation and organisational development.
  • Technology.There are many techology providers who will implement your technology choices. We work with you to make those technology choices and ensure that you have a core technology platform for success. In particular we focus on data, technology roadmaps and infrastructures & networks
  • Policy. We work with both public and private sector clients to understand and formulate policy proposals for their sectors.Our understanding of the policy making landscape enables us to carry out policy studies, research and support project development and appraisal.

Where we operate

  • Consulting Engineering & Construction .
  • Agri-food.
  • Marine
  • Government and policy
  • Small to Medium Enterprises
Steelesrock People


Our Clients

We are pleased to have worked with a range of private sector and public service clients. Below are a selection of the organisations we have worked with.



We're always looking for new areas to use our skills, but there are a number of sectors where we have already gained considerable insights that we can share with our clients.

  • SME

    Big doesn't always mean better. We work with small and medium enterprises ranging from high street shops to new start-ups to understand what success looks like and how to get there.

  • Consulting Engineering

    We work with some of Ireland's best known consulting engineering firms to explore strategy, understand markets and deliver excellent customer experiences.

  • Government

    Apples aren't the same as oranges, and so too the public service isn't the same as the private sector. We understand the challenges faced by public service clients, and can help private sector clients provide the best solutions in a public environment.

  • Agri-food

    Ireland's biggest export sector is an engine of innovation. Steelesrock have worked with some of the best agri-food companies in the country.

  • Marine

    Marine is a theme that crosses many sectors, but one that can pose particular challenges from a regulatory, environmental and skills viewpoint. We have the knowledge to help.

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